Do you love to travel?

Does the wanderlust strike you early and often?

Are you someone who finds yourself constantly in a state of packing, unpacking, or being packed up and on the road?

If so, you know too well the effects that the global COVID-19 pandemic has had on folks like us – people who love travel and its myriad benefits.

One of the biggest lifestyle impacts COVID has had on many of us is the need to reassess our approach to travel. Since March 2020 here at Travel-Mor Trailer Sales in Ottawa, we’ve talked with countless people who came to the conclusion that RVs, trailers and campers represented a high-quality, enjoyable and viable means of travel.

Travel in the Era of COVID-19: Reassessing Priorities & Options

travel on cruise shipSince the outset of the global coronavirus pandemic, which has certainly made its impact here in Ottawa and across the Outaouais and Eastern Ontario, RVs and trailers have quickly become a great alternative to other means of travel.

Many of us liked to take cruises, go on all-inclusive resort holidays, take a European vacation or visit the many destinations within reach south of the border in the USA.

With COVID concerns, however, all of the above forms of travel became less attractive – some, such as cruises, have been rendered unviable.

So what’s an avid traveller to do?

Well, first things first, of course: We’ll keep our priorities straight and be thankful for what we have.

Many are less fortunate than us, especially those personally, directly or indirectly afflicted with COVID-19 health issues.

It’s been a wake-up call for many of us, an impetus or reinforcement of the “carpe diem” or “seize the day” concept.

RV & Trailer Travel: A Safer Option During COVID-19

cook coughing on food at restaurantWith regard to travel, seizing the day means finding other means of journeys that are within our reach and viable in the COVID era. One needn’t look any further for a prime example of that than RV and trailer travel.

With a recreational vehicle (RV), trailer or camper, you get the benefit of being able to hit the open road at a moment’s notice – just gas ‘er up and you’re ready to roll.

Even better, when you set out on your RV travels, you’re taking with you a whole host of personal safety options in the battle to stay safe and healthy against COVID-19.

Your RV or trailer is your home away from home. No worries about checking into a hotel, dealing with the public, and having to sleep in a bed and use the room and hotel facilities in the hopes and trust that the staff and other customers have all done their part to keep COVID at bay.

couple enjoying recreational vehicleA trailer or RV also serves as your personal kitchen and dining room. Again, concerns are alleviated with regard to restaurant safety and hygiene, eating around other people or even shutdowns due to COVID restrictions.

And an RV or trailer also enables you to have your personal lavatory facilities at your service at all times. No more searching for the nearest washroom or having the headache and legitimate concerns of whether the washroom has been sanitized and who else has been using it.

Those are all great reasons to opt for an RV or trailer as your travel option.

Which brings up the next question a lot of prospective buyers ask here at our Ottawa RV dealership.

Is an RV or Trailer Right for Me?

family enjoying recreational vehicleOkay, so you’re considering a recreational and have been googling Ottawa RV dealers or trailers for sale. Maybe you’ve seen an RV for sale and it piqued your interest.

But there’s a question that’s worth asking before making that big step.

Is a trailer or RV right for you?

If you’ve already done the research, by the way, and you know the answer is “yes,” you can skip down to the next section where we’d be glad to help you out.

How do you know whether an RV or trailer purchase is right for your future?

Well for starters, we’ve already established that you like to travel.

Here are some other questions worth considering when looking at travel trailers for sale and RV dealers in Ottawa:

  1. trailer rv parked at camp siteDo you like having the comforts and amenities of home while you’re travelling?
  2. Do you like the ability to travel to different places and see different scenery on the same vacation?
  3. Are you bringing your spouse, family and/or pet(s) with you on your travels?
  4. Have you had a good time camping before?
  5. Do you enjoy the outdoorsy-ness of camping but wish you had more creature comforts?
  6. Are you a social person who enjoys meeting others on your travels?

If you’ve answered “yes” to some or all of these questions, there’s a pretty good chance that an RV or trailer could be right for you.

Travel Trailer Sales & RV Dealers in Ottawa

recreational vehicle rv parked at camp siteIf you’ve given it some thought, done your research and decided an RV or trailer purchase could be right for you, we’d love to help.

By the way, have you considered renting an RV or trailer first? Trailer rentals or RV rentals are an excellent way to find out hands-on whether the RV lifestyle is for you.

If you are ready to buy and are looking for RV dealers in Ottawa, Travel-Mor Trailer Sales in Ottawa is the right choice.

With an excellent selection of travel trailers, campers and RVs for sale, all priced for value and backed up by the commitment of a friendly, caring team of RV and trailer enthusiasts, we work hard to be your trusted choice for RV dealers in Ottawa.

Contact us today to find out more about our trailers for sale and RVs for sale in Ottawa.

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