RVs have been around for over 100 years, evolving from a small room with nothing but a bed and a bathroom to the luxury RVs we see today. 

In the 1950’s RVs became more popular, but the cost made them luxury vehicles that not many people had access to. Almost two decades later companies started mass producing RVs and they became the family vacation staple that they are today. 

Modern RVs come in many unique styles including small single room trailers and large family trailers with pop-out rooms for added space. These new RVs are equipped with kitchens, dining areas, beds and seating areas and can also have additions such as TVs, couches and fireplaces. 

But people are wondering… Should you buy or rent an RV? 

Why People Use RVs 

RVs are a common travel choice among North Americans with over 9 million families and 40 million people owning an RV.

Traveling with an RV allows for a much more flexible trip and removes the stress of hotel changes. You can easily stay somewhere longer or cut a stay short.  

There is no need to constantly pack and unpack your belongings since they travel with you and you have plenty of storage space for anything you might want to bring. 

RVs allow you bring the comfort of home with you. The kitchen is perfect for home cooked meals and you can keep fresh groceries. Plus, you can sleep in your own bed. 

New vs. Used 

Buying new has lots of perks like having the latest technology, a modern appearance (if that’s what you prefer) and they’re much cleaner. But the best part is the warranty. Depending on what warranty the RV comes with, this could mean coverage for almost anything that could go wrong. 

On the down side, while new RVs are modern, they come with the modern price tag. Meaning if you don’t mind renovating an old RV, you can save a lot by choosing used. 

Buying used means the RV has been broken in and most of its problems have already been identified and likely solved. The previous owners might have also added new technology and improved the comfort of the RV. 

Like everything, buying used does have a down side, used RVs can be very hit or miss. When buying a used RV, research is key to make sure you are getting everything that you need and in good condition. 

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to new vs. used, it just depends on what you might be looking for in your future RV. 

Have you considered RV Rentals? 

RV travel can be amazing, but buying isn’t for everyone. Renting an RV can be just as good. 

RV rental is perfect for those who don’t get out road tripping much, its low commitment, costs less short term and allows you to discover what your RV needs are, before you buy. 

Renting an RV allows you to get a feel for RV travel without being locked into owning an RV. 

The cost of renting an RV is much less than the cost of buying for someone who only plans to RV once or twice a year. For someone who wants to RV more frequently the cost can add up quickly so buying an RV might be a better option.  

The Price of Buying an RV & RV Maintenance 

RV prices can vary greatly based on a number of factors, such as the size, age, technologies and furniture of the RV.

There are RVs available for all prices, but the less expensive ones might not have everything an owner is wanting. For a comfortable RV, you can expect to pay around $150,000. 

Renting an RV works similarly, the price you pay will vary by the size, quality and other factors. For a nice RV you could be paying $150-$450 a week. 

Maintenance for an RV owner depends on the frequency you use your RV. The more often you use your RV the more maintenance it will require. 

If an RV is well maintained, annual maintenance cost should be under $1000. 

Buying or Renting an RV from Travel-Mor Trailer Sales 

Renting or buying an RV on your own can be a complicated process, let us help! 

Whether you are looking for a solo adventure or a family vacation, Travel-Mor Trailer Sales is committed to helping you find the perfect trailer for your needs. 

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