The mobile lifestyle afforded by a Recreational Vehicle (RV) is fantastic but the mistakes any new owner makes when handling an RV range from mildly annoying to catastrophic.

Hence, the Travel-Mor family is here to inform you of the typical mistakes new RV owners make and how to avoid them.

Failing to Understand What You Need is Dire for New RV Owners

The desire to just take off with a newly acquired RV and drive into the sunset is tempting but there are many issues you will run into if you put do not put the appropriate effort is put into understanding what your RV requires.

There are many different models with different customizations but here are the basics every RV should have.

Kettle on the RV stove

 A Surge protector
 Toilet chemicals
 Electrical adapters Sewer kit
 Water pressure regulator
 RV-friendly toilet paper
 Drinking water hose
 Tire pressure gauge
 Leveling blocks
 Wheel chocks
 Extension cords
 Electrical and duct tape
 Shovel and extra cotter pins
 Battery jumper cables and flashlights
 Extra motor oil and transmission fluids
 Fire extinguisher and emergency road kit

Without any of these items, your fun trip with your new RV can quickly become a harsh struggle to make it to civilization safely. So it is important to nail all of this down.

Then you need to consider utensils and tools for the kitchen, clothing, bedding for life on the road, and food staples.

Travel-Mor has a large selection of RVs and the required accessories needed to outfit your RV properly and fully so you will always be prepared for the rigors of the road.

Disregarding Clearance Limits for the RV is a Mistake

An RV needs specialized handling when you are out on the road. A license is not necessary but failing to understand how the size of an RV affects you on the road might prove costly.

The height, width, and length of the RV are critical for knowing where you can and cannot pass. A lot of routes like small tunnels, low bridges, and narrow roads will be unavailable to those with an RV and you will need to account for those on your journey.

Travel-Mor will provide you with these details when you purchase an RV but you will also need to watch out for clearance signs of bridges and tunnels. As such, it is best to plan your route with the clearance limits in mind.

Ignoring Regular Maintenance of the RV

Wear and tear is a natural part of life and the same should be expected of RV life. The RV will developfaults along the way but regular upkeep can keep it going for a long time.husband and wife cook in the RV

Simple things like checking tire pressure, oil levels, batteries, and propane tanks can help you avoid the larger problems that come down the line. Other RV tips like a wash after each trip, oiling joints and moving parts, and covering outside vents can also increase your RV’s lifespan.

When serious breakdowns happen, it is crucial that you repair your RV as soon as possible to make sure that it is safe for you and others. Travel-Mor has highly skilled technicians who will provide timely and efficient repairs for your RV throughout its lifespan

Overloading the RV is a Mistake

Each and every RV has a weight limit, loading it past that point is a dangerous error. Not only does it make the RV more susceptible to damage, but the stress it places on your tow vehicle is also increased and that makes you a danger to other road users.

The weight of your load adds up quickly so you need to ensure that you have all the essentials before packing anything else. A great RV tip is to have your RV weighed on an accepted scale. The associates at Travel-Mor will provide you with the necessary details about the weight limits of their RVs when buying to help you avoid such mistakes.

Travel-Mor Trailer Sales – Ottawa’s Premier RV Dealership

Any new RV owner can avoid any of these mistakes with an RV with the right information and proper planning. Then, a road trip with an RV becomes a relaxing and fun experience that you can enjoy alone or with company.

If you have any RV needs, please contact us and Trailer-Mor Trailer Sales will provide you with the right RV and all the required accessories and information to ensure that you have a fantastic experience on your next road trip.


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