
Going on a family RV trip without your pets would not feel like a full family vacation would it? For pet owners your animals are an important part of the family and you want them to see the beauty of Canada and beyond at your side. However, RV’s are mostly built for the comfort of humans.

Plan Your Vacation Around Your Pet’s Abilities

shutterstock_464443805There are challenges you will face when brining your furry friend along. If your pet is naturally skittish or hard to control, it might not be the best idea to bring them. If they are suffering from a physical condition or illness, they might be happier relaxing at home. A puppy or kitten might not be a good idea, same goes for pets in their elder years. Ensure any pet you decide to bring on your travels is well trained and in good health and any left behind has a trustworthy sitter.

Be sure to plan your trip around your pets abilities. Dogs are great travellers and will be happy to be on the move inside and outside the RV. Cats are typically less enthusiastic about car rides and might be better suited for a campground vacation where the RV is not moving much at all. Where-ever you are going confirm that pets are allowed on site. Most campsites do allow pets, but you don’t want to be turned away once you arrive.

Short drives to your destination are best for the stress levels of your pets. You should be keeping them enclosed in cages or kennels while moving so they don’t distract you while driving. Maintaining their feeding, walking and play time schedule while on the road with frequent stops will keep them happy as well. Playing with them to expend energy before driving is recommended to keep them calm on those long stretches. If they are getting restless, it might be a good idea to stop and get them some exercise before continuing.

Be Mindful of Others

Remember where-ever you go that not everyone are animal lovers. Some people might be afraid of dogs or cats, especially young kids who might be hurt by an overly enthusiastic dog or territorial cat. Be mindful of this in campgrounds where your site is nearby others. Keep them on your site unless you are directly invited by your neighbours. It doesn’t hurt to introduce yourself and your pets when you arrive to check in with how comfortable your neighbouring sites are with animals.

Here are some quick tips for cats and dogs on RV trips:

Travelling With Dogs

  • Have a water system ready for every place you go. Bowls are good when stationary but when on excursions there are mobile water bowls available that work great.
  • Bear bells and Skunk Off are great for when you are camping or hiking
  • Light up collars incase they wander in the night
  • Keep your dog in a secured crate when driving, or buckled down with a specialty dog seatbelt.
  • Be mindful of the temperature inside your RV if you are leaving your dog behind. Keep the AC running!

Travelling With Catsshutterstock_533393914

  • Be sure they are in their crate when driving is large enough for a litter area and for them to move around.
  • Introduce them to the RV in the weeks leading up to the trip. Cats are territorial and they feel more confident in a new space after exploring it.
  • Have a cat harness on hand to get them our of the RV to stretch their legs. This is also useful for preventing escape when opening doors and windows. Be sure to leash train them before your trip (this can take up to a month before they are comfortable).
  • Don’t be afraid to hook up a long leash at the campsite to allow your cat to explore the area around your RV.
  • Keep the comforts of home available with scratching posts and their favourite bed in a good spot to sleep
    If you cat is anxious, consider purchasing a pheromone relaxer.


In general, be over prepared for anything that can happen, from health issues to needing extra food or treats. Get them comfortable with any special gear before the trip and make plans to keep their home schedule consistent when on the road. Be sure to consult your vet before hand and familiarize yourself with any barriers such as boarder crossing regulations and campsite policy. But most of all, have fun and enjoy the bonding time with your family and pet!

If you have any questions on how Travel-Mor can help you prepare or help you find the perfect RV for your pet, give us a call at 613-822-1666 or come to our 4863 Bank Street location in Ottawa!

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