If you’re reading this article in the autumn or even late summer months, you’re probably starting to plan ahead for your RV’s wintertime preparations.
And yes, we agree, those Ottawa summers are way too short!
Just when you were enjoying RV trips around Ontario or elsewhere in Canada or the USA* (*although the US-Canada border is closed at the time of this article’s publishing), the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler.
When it comes to what to do with your RV in the winter months, you’ve basically got thee options. In this article we’ll talk about your RV winter options, how to plan for the logistics and how to ensure that your RV stays in great condition.
What to Do with Your RV in the Wintertime?
If you live in Ottawa, Eastern Ontario or the Outaouais, you’re all too familiar with long, harsh Canadian winters.
For people who like to ski, skate, snowboard, go snowmobiling or take part in other winter outdoor activities, there’s plenty to do and enjoy in this part of Canada.
For us RV enthusiasts, however, Ottawa winters are not without their challenges and setbacks.
You’ve got three choices for what to do with your RV or trailer in the winter months:
- Have your RV or trailer at home & ready to hit the road when possible
- Keep your RV/trailer at home but winterized & closed up for the winter
- Put your trailer or RV into storage for the winter
Options 2 & 3 are similar in terms of winterizing, so we’ll get to those in a minute.
First, let’s talk about keeping your RV or trailer road-ready and planning for some winter road trips.
Driving Your RV or Trailer During the Winter
Novices to the world of RVing sometimes have the misperception that “you can’t drive your RV (or trailer) in the winter.”
That’s… not necessarily the case.
Yes, winters in and around Ottawa can take their toll and present a challenge for our RV / trailer road trip plans.
But it’s not impossible.
Some folks aren’t comfortable with winter RVing. Nothing wrong with that. After all, there are road challenges, equipment challenges and challenging temperatures & wind chills to face.
It’s not for everyone.
But for those intrepid RVers who are brave at heart and want to continue this wonderful leisure activity into/through the wintertime, it is doable.
First things first:
- Always be prepared for extended winter conditions
- Always check the weather forecasts
- Avoid icy roads and snowy driving conditions whenever possible
- Be extremely cautious & conservative with winter driving
- Have a backup plan / Plan B
- Make sure to have phones charged (with battery backup) & that people know your plans
There are articles on winter RV travels which you may find helpful; a Google search will point you in that direction. We’re not advising a firm ‘yes’ on such activity – please consider this content for informational purposes only.
Perhaps you are driving your rig from Ottawa down to Florida – or vice verse – in the winter months or shoulder season when snow/ice is still possible. If avoiding wintertime RV travel isn’t practical, take it slow & easy and don’t push yourself or your RV/trailer in winter conditions.
Also, even if you plan to use your rig during the winter, there are certain RV Winterizing precautions & steps you’ll need to take, to avoid damage caused by plunging temps and frozen lines, etc.
Winterizing Your RV / Trailer & Keeping It at Home
Your other two options for RV or trailer in the winter are to winterize it, close it up and not use it until spring.
Sad… but a reality for many RV & trailer enthusiasts in and around Ottawa during the cold, long winter.
Whether you’re keeping your rig at home or putting it into storage, you’ll want to pay close attention to winterizing steps and precautions.
We’ve written a few articles on the subject, which you can find here:
- Winterization and Storage Options
- Preparing Your RV for Cold Winter Adventures
- RV Repair & Maintenance
Many of these trailer / RV winterizing steps are also applicable even if you are keeping your rig in the driveway and planning to do some RVing in the wintertime.
The LAST thing you want is to have frozen lines in your RV or trailer. This can cause all sorts of havoc in your rig, leaving you more than a small mess to clean up – and likely a hefty repair bill from your RV service provider.
We’ve seen more than a few incidents of winter temperatures take their toll on a trailer or RV in Ottawa; and while we’re her to help with service and repair should something go wrong, we’d much rather see you avoid this situation in the first place.
Winter Trailer / RV Storage in Ottawa
Even if you’ve winterized your RV or trailer, you are still leaving it exposed to the elements by storing it in your driveway or elsewhere on your property.
Instead, why not store your rig with us for the winter?
Did you know that we have a sister company called “Acceptable Storage?”
We do! And they’re right here as part of the same property.
Together we have created a solution for trailer and RV storage in the winter.
Read more about it right here.
Pre-Winter RV Service in Ottawa
In addition, you may want to take advantage of the late autumn period and get your RV serviced.
Here at Travel-More Trailer Sales, we provide trusted, professional RV service and repair in Ottawa. Got items that you need repaired? A great time to get your RV service taken care of is before / as you close up your rig for the winter.
Or, if you plan to hit the open road on a winter’s day, for sure you’ll want your trailer or RV in tip-top shape.
Contact us today to book an appointment for trailer or RV service in Ottawa.