2020 has been a challenging year, to say the least, for all of us in Ottawa and surrounding communities.

While many folks were travelling in warmer climes or biding their time for the 2019-2020 winter to end so that we could once again hit the open road in our RV or trailer, the world became mired in the coronavirus pandemic.

full aircraft interior risky covid

That forced the abrupt change, postponement or cancellation of travel plans for many in Ottawa and across Canada. And that was the best-case scenario; too many have been affected directly by the COVID virus striking either themselves or a loved one.

Ever since March 2020 we have undergone a paradigm shift in most if not all aspects of our lives. For those of us who enjoy travel, this has meant an adjustment in the way we define the possibilities of travel, how we plan to travel next and what we can do to make the best of it.

The idea of travel in a recreational vehicle or trailer is more and more appealing for many people. Those who already own an RV or trailer know the many benefits associated with this form of travel. Others are just discovering the joys of RVing.

If you’re looking to buy or rent a new or used recreational vehicle in Ottawa, Eastern Ontario or the Outaouais, read on to discover the many benefits of the RV life as well as how to narrow down both the type of rig you’ll want and how to choose the right Ottawa RV dealer.

RV & Trailer Travel in the COVID Era

You may have read our previous articles on the benefits of RV and trailers in the COVID-19 era.

Faced with the options of either:

  • Not travelling until a proven vaccine is widely available, or
  • Taking a risk with travel in hotels, airplanes, etc.

hotel maid cleaning very dirty roomMany folks from Ottawa and surrounding communities in Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais has found a viable, fun and affordable alternative: RV travel and travels on the open road by trailer & recreational vehicle.

Travelling by RV or trailer means that you’re bringing along:

  • Your own kitchen
  • Your own washroom
  • Your own bedroom or sleeping quarters
  • Your own means of sanitation control (food, surfaces, air, etc.)

… thus reducing your potential exposure to infection from the COVID-19 virus.

Indeed, sales of RVs and trailers in Ottawa and across Ontario, Quebec and much of Canada have gone up since the onset of the pandemic. A lot of people have started to figure out the many benefits of taking your own rig (and home away from home) with you as you travel around this great land of ours.

Being RV and trailer enthusiasts ourselves, we already knew many of the advantages provided by the RV lifestyle. We were already sold, but now a whole new generation and crop of RVers is being born.

Through dark times can come some amazing discoveries.

Which RV or Trailer is Right for You?

living room in rv trailer camperIf you’re new to the trailer and RV lifestyle, welcome! We’re glad you are here.

If we could pass along any advice about how best to get into RVing, it would be to take your time, savour the moments, find what works for you and go from there.

You may already be doing some homework, hitting good ol’ Google for the wealth of information it can lead you to.

That’s the right place to start.

Then, if you haven’t already, start making lists, asking questions and determining what your goals are, both short-term and long-term lifestyle goals as well as realistic budgets.

Once you begin to narrow things down, here are a few things to consider.

RV vs Trailer: Which is Best?

young girl on bed in rv trailer camperThere’s no “right” answer to this question.

Ottawa RVs and trailers are not a one-size-fits-all means of travel and leisure.

Instead, each one has its merits, and both RVs and trailers serve a certain set of needs and considerations.

RVs or “motor homes” are a self-contained unit. They have a standard length but can be a bit shorter or longer, and the options for both RV interior and RV exterior are becoming more and more plentiful.

Trailers and campers are towed behind your truck or other driven vehicle. The size in this category goes from “almost tiny” to just about the size of an RV.

This article by Travel-Mor will give you a better idea of how to narrow down the choice.

New vs Used RV / Trailer?

rv camper on open roadMuch like buying a car, SUV or truck, RVs and trailers present a big choice: New or used?

Again, each option has its merits.

Buying new gives you that “new RV smell.” It gives you the option of customizing the RV or trailer to your personal specs. New Ottawa RVs and trailers come with a full manufacturer’s warranty. They also come with that “drive off the lot” hit or depreciation of value.

When you buy a used trailer or used RV in Ottawa, the drop in value is already baked into the price you pay. You’re getting an RV or trailer that has had all the original bugs worked out. It’s true, though, that you’re getting less or no warranty, and you’re getting a second-hand recreational vehicle that’s been driven and enjoyed (hopefully gently) by someone else.

We wrote an article earlier this year about new vs used recreational vehicles, which you might want to check out.

Your Entry into the RV & Trailer Lifestyle: Rent or Buy?

If you know exactly what you want and you’re ready to buy, great!

If you are a first time buyer of an RV, trailer or camper, though, you might not be 100% sure about what’s best for your current and future recreational vehicle travel needs.

In that case, why not rent a trailer or RV in Ottawa first?

By renting, you can try both… and/or try different sizes and configurations.

This way, when you do buy that RV or trailer, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you made a decision that was informed very well.

Choosing a Trailer or RV Dealer in Ottawa

Just like not all RVs and trailers are built the same, not all trailer & RV dealers are the same, either.

We’re biased, of course, being a trusted Ottawa RV dealer specializing in motor homes, campers and trailers for many years.

We always recommend shopping different RV dealers in Ottawa. Find out more about them. Ask questions not only about the RV & trailer rigs but about their business. If they’re RV enthusiasts themselves, they should be more than happy to take the time to speak with you about your upcoming trailer or RV purchase.

Also, ask the RV dealer about warranties and service. Some Ottawa RV dealers do their own service, and some are more comprehensive and detailed in their RV maintenance & repair offerings.

After you’ve talked with a couple or few Ottawa RV dealers, come see us here at Travel-Mor.

We love talking with first-time RV & trailer buyers as well as folks who are coming back to buy their second, third or even fourth rig.

At Travel-Mor Trailer Sales, we’re a trusted Ottawa RV dealer who values personal relationships and the old-fashioned, human approach to RV sales and service.

Contact us today to find out how we can help get you into the RV or trailer you deserve!

More Blog Articles

What’s the Difference Between a Camper vs. a Trailer?

Quebec & Ontario Road Trips in Our RV from Ottawa

What To Look For in a Used RV or Trailer

The Advantages of RV Travel in the Era of COVID-19

Buying An RV vs. Renting An RV, What’s Best for You?

Contact Us To Sell Your Trailor On Consignment

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