Trailer Open Road
Renting a trailer and heading out on the road trip of a lifetime doesn’t mean you are going to have to eat hotdogs and canned soup for the next two weeks. Oh no, at Travel-Mor Trailer Rentals we are strong believers in the gourmet camping experience. And while we certainly don’t go gourmet every time we take to the open road, we love to indulge our inner foodie every now and then. Read on to learn how we eat gourmet meals while on the road in our Ottawa trailer rentals!

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Start With The Basics

Butter, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Don’t you dare leave home without these four crucial ingredients. Or at least, don’t leave the grocery store before heading to your campsite without them. There isn’t a vegetable alive that doesn’t taste delicious after being smothered in butter, salt, and pepper. Possibly one of the world’s most satisfying campfire meals is corn on the cub, cooked to perfection sitting in hot coals all wrapped up in some tin foil. For the gourmet experience, add some miso butter and cilantro to your corn on the cob. The basics, also extends to kitchen utensils. Make sure you have with you all the necessary pots, pans, tongs, knives, and dishwashing essentials.




The Campfire Versus The Stove

Regardless about what source of heat you choose, food just tastes better when you cook it on vacation. With so many Ottawa trailer rentals to choose from, all you have to do is work up an appetite! Both the campfire and your trailer’s kitchenette have their benefits. With a campfire you can make it a communal experience. Get the whole family involved, chopping vegetables, shucking corn, and marinated kebabs. Then, watch as all your hard work becomes a delicious feast before your very eyes. On the other hand, your trailer’s kitchenette offers all of the reliability and versatility that you depend on from your kitchen
at home. Not to mention, you’re not left eating cereal out of a soggy bowl when the rain starts.


Gourmet Dinner Inspiration for Trailer Vacations

Trailer By CampfireCampfire Nachos. Sure it might not sound like a gourmet culinary adventure, but Campfire Nachos are quite possibly the most delicious appetizer we have ever had on the road. Better yet, you don’t have to be fussy about the ingredients. Once you have laid down a bed of nachos and cheese pretty much everything else goes! Still have half a pepper from lunch you need to use up? Toss it on! Want to add a little extra protein? Chop up some ground hamburger or even some sliced hot dogs! You really can’t go wrong with campfire nachos.

Now what in the world is a road trip without a sickenly sweet dessert? We definitely have no idea! Once you have polished off the nachos – and maybe given the skillet a rinse – whip up a batch of this Giant Oreo Skillet Cookie. Now, this recipe only calls for two ingredients: Pillsbury cookie dough and a box of oreo cookies. Should you feel the desire to go gourmet, you might consider this recipe. For this recipe you will definitely want the reliably dry, horizontal surfaces of your trailer’s kitchen countertops.

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